Prichard Barnes Architects are undertaking a pre-application consultation in respect of the full planning application for the proposed new xxxxx
We give notice that xxxxx is intending to apply to xxxxx Council for planning permission for the above development.
Prior to formal submission to the Local Planning Authority and in accordance with the requirements set out in Part 1A of the Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012, the proposal will be subject to pre-application consultation.
Please tap here to inspect and review all the relevant drawings, reports and supplementary supporting documents.
The drawings can also be viewed in the reception of xxxxx, where comments can be left in a comments book.
We would encourage anyone who wishes to make representations about this proposed development to e-mail using the subject title ‘xxxxx – Pre Application Consultation Comment’
Alternatively, please post your comments to Prichard Barnes Architects, 18 St Andrews Crescent, Cardiff, CF10 3DD.
All comments are required on or before the xxxxx. Comments received after this date may not be considered.
Please note that although all comments will be considered during the design and planning process, they will not be responded to by the design team through direct written correspondence.